Our Promise
Your skin is most beautiful when it’s healthy. We believe that by focusing on nourishment, restoration, and damage prevention, outward radiance naturally follows. Skin health doesn’t need to be complicated. At Bio-Stria we promise that our non-invasive treatment will not only improve the look of your skin, but also to restore it to its healthiest state.

Tighter Smoother Skin
You are not alone in your quest for smoother, more youthful skin for the face and the body. Most of us are easily duped into buying face products and beauty regimes in the belief that in a short space of time, we too will start to look healthier and years younger. hydrafacial calgary nw
To actually make a real difference in the improvement to your skin you need to be looking at more advanced treatments.
A better complexion. Starting with the face, you might want to consider exactly how well or badly your skin is faring for your age. Ask yourself which are the areas that bother you most? Is it wrinkles or sagging skin (or both) that make you look your age – or even older? Review photographs taken in different lights, regard your face carefully while feeling fit and well and without make up. In most cases, a person’s skin will benefit from the effects of skin tightening treatments rather than a drastic face lift.
At Bio-Stria we use an advanced technology called the Pellevé ® System.
hydrafacial calgary nw
This treatment works on wrinkles, skin laxity, jowls and sagging neck skin. Typical areas on the face that benefit from this latest dev elopement in aesthetics are under eye bags, dark circles and eye bags, weakened jaw lines and creeping lip lines (“smokers lips”). Pellevé® uses radio frequency energy which produces heat. This heat and energy targets the point where skin meets the fatty layers below. This action encourages the production of new collagen. Just one application should give visible signs of improvement although 2-3 treatments are usually recommended to achieve optimum results.
Infusion Facial
Pressurized infusion of oxygen and a custom-blend of ingredients (vitamins, hyaluronic acid and antioxidants) deep into the skin using JetPeel technology. Improve skin hydration, exfoliation and glow. See and feel results instantly. No downtime. The beautiful, luxurious skin you see on the red carpet can now be yours with this exciting and innovative procedure for improving your complexion. Regenerate dying skin cells, rejuvenate the skin’s deep layers, and nourish and hydrate your face, all without surgery or other invasive methods. The result is a fresh, healthy look that radiates youthfulness and joie de vivre.
Hollywood Glow is appropriate for all skin tones, types and colors, on both men and women. The treatment combines the benefits of microdermabrasion, which gently exfoliates dead skin cells from the surface, and LED light therapy, which stimulates the skin’s deeper epidermis for a transformative outcome.
The procedure may also include the injection of micronutrients, herbal extracts, amino acids, coenzymes, vitamins, hyaluronic acid, antioxidants, minerals and medicine into the skin cells, for comprehensive nourishment and renewal. These tiny boosts of energy improve circulation, promote ideal cell metabolism, halt the proliferation of free radicals, and stimulate collagen and elastin production.
The result is smooth, sparkling skin that appears to be straight out of a magazine.
The Hollywood Glow Treatment includes a Pellevé skin tightening treatment. Our Calgary Pellevé System delivers constant, gradual radiofrequency energy deeply into the skin, causing heat to build up where the skin and fat layer meet. The increasing heat modifies the collagen bundles deep in the skin, causing contraction and stimulating the growth of new collagen over time. The result: tighter, younger looking skin. The entire procedure takes two and a half hours.
An effective non- invasive option
The need, or pressure, to lose weight can be directed from various perspectives: health problems, feeling unattractive, post pregnancy weight and even sporting accomplishments. However, not much is talked about what happens after successful weight loss. Anyone would be pleased when they achieve their goals but for some, weight loss brings another problem and that is excess, sagging skin. No amount of exercise, toning gadgets or body lotions will solve this problem.
At Bio-Stria we understand that improving skin conditions is not about trying to reach perfection. Excessive skin is a real and distressing problem for some people after drastic or even minor weight loss.
Skin tightening treatments are they way forward. And those that can work on large areas at one time are the best solution for sagging skin on the tummy, hips and thighs. The Pellevé® system is designed to tighten skin using advanced radio frequency technology. The hot energy impacts the skin where it meets the fatty layers below, encouraging more production of collagen – the vital substance for tighter, smoother and more youthful skin.
If you have a problem of excess skin after weight loss, the experts at Bio-Stria will be able to advise you on the suitability of the Pellevé treatment.
For some patients the result of drastic weight loss leaves them with a problem that requires more than the non-invasive options. A tummy tuck, traditional lipoplasty (liposuction) or laser lipoplasty will give the best results for those with large amounts of sagging skin. When you have an assessment with a Bio-Stria clinician you can decide which treatment is the right one for you.
Surgical Alternative
For some patients the result of drastic weight loss leaves them with a problem that requires more than the non-invasive options. A tummy tuck, traditional lipoplasty (liposuction) or laser lipoplasty will give the best results for those with large amounts of sagging skin. When you have an assessment with a Bio-Stria clinician you can decide which treatment is the right one for you.
After your Hollywood Glow treatment
With the Hollywood Glow procedure, there is simply no pain, no discomfort and no downtime. Most clients can return to work and normal activities the same day as their treatment, provided they feel ready to do so. In some rare cases, clients may experience mild redness, bruising or swelling. These side effects are short-lived and often disappear within a few hours, so don’t be alarmed.